The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You support my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. (5-6)

Western culture has a traditional proverb about the grass being greener on the other side. In short, it means that animals are never happy where they are but are always longing for greener grass on the other side of the fence. Yet, when they get outside the fence, they realize that the destination is no better than where they were. We often apply this proverbial thought to people to warn them to be content with what they have instead of always longing for something better that is probably not as good as it looks. This concept is the spirit behind these verses of David. David is rejoicing in the Lord and thanking God for His sovereign goodness in his life.

David’s language hearkens back to the children of Israel when they entered the promised land. The land was divided among all the tribes by lot, and they received the inheritance divinely apportioned to them. There was no trading back and forth but a simple trust that where God laid the boundary lines was the best place. No one complained about their portion but rested in the fact that God knew best and that what He had given them was perfect for them. Like a Levite, David exclaims that the Lord is his portion. Like tribes who received portions of land, he proclaims that God’s boundary lines in his life was beautiful.

Oh, that we would be equally content with our circumstances and lot in life. Contentment does not mean that we should not have goals or strive to improve ourselves. Instead, it means that God knows us and knows what is best for us. His divine love and sovereignty put us where He wants us to be and give us a heritage in Him that is beautiful and worthy of passing on to the next generation. Instead of complaining about where you are, bloom where you are planted and rejoice in God’s provision for you. Instead of always being restless and unhappy, practice contentment and learn (as Paul did) to be content in all circumstances. Sometimes God has us in a barren place because only there can we experience the very best He has for us. Even there, the boundary lines that fall to you can be pleasant in the Lord.


Glenn Kling · June 9, 2022 at 3:28 pm

Kevin, again your insights reveal the heart of God towards us. One of my favorite half versus Psalm 23 six where David said surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. I find that to be the case in my life also as I look back on how God has blessed me in so many ways.
Take care my friend, Glenn

    Kevin Rodgers · June 10, 2022 at 9:48 am

    Thanks brother!

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