Also I gave them My sabbaths to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them. (v. 12)

Ezekiel is another of those prophets, like Jeremiah, who prophesied just before the utter destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity of God’s people. In this chapter, God gives a list of grievances He has against the rebellious nation, one of which was that they profaned His Sabbath. While we are not Jews and worship on the Lord’s Day (Sunday), there is still a call to every believer to set aside one day a week to observe Sabbath principles in our life. Yet, in our fast-paced lifestyle, we tend to stay busy seven days a week, and we might take time for ourselves, but we rarely give quality time to God. However, a hidden gem in this chapter helps us understand why Sabbath is so crucial for any follower of Yahweh. God says that He gave sabbaths as a sign to us so that we might know that He is the Lord who sanctifies us. Let’s explore that further.

When you observe a Sabbath rest, you acknowledge that God exists and that His schedule for your life is more important than yours. It is a tacit statement that He is Lord, and you exist to serve Him, not the other way around. When you intentionally stop, put away your work, your hobbies, and your phone, and turn your thoughts towards Him, you proclaim that He is worthy of your time and, more importantly, your focus. Sabbath rest and Sabbath worship is a statement that He is the Lord who sanctifies you, and there is nothing more important than spending time with Him. We sometimes believe that we can continue to run on physical and spiritual fumes but just know that a crash will soon come. You were not created to work or pursue your desires seven days a week. You were created to worship and serve the Lord God, and resting in Him the entire day rights the ship and puts everything in order. It reminds us who we are and who He is and that we need to rest and hear from Him. Sabbath is a gift to you because it reveals your limitations and it realigns your mind and heart to His purposes. Sabbath rest and worship are not just options; they are necessary for a vital Christian life.


Mark Mercer · September 17, 2022 at 4:43 pm

Hey Bro. Such a timely word for me and Jan. Thank you. Praying for you (I still have my Zambia $). Blessings.

    Kevin Rodgers · September 19, 2022 at 7:24 am

    Thanks so much for praying for us. I am glad you still have fond memories of that work in Africa 🙂 Blessings.

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