For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. (v.5)

Sometimes, when we read the ancient works of the Lord in Israel or in the days of the early church, we are tempted to think God was more active back then than He is today. However, the Psalmist gives us the good news that God is not bound by time, and He never changes. God has been and always will be good; even today, in 2023, He is still just as good as always. God’s love is eternal, and He loves all of us now just as much as at any time in history. The Psalmist tells us that He is faithful to all generations. That is good news for you and me because it even means “today’s” generation. God is not a God of great exploits in history who is far away and unconcerned with man’s plight today. Instead, He is just as real, just as present, and just as active as He has ever been at any time before. He is there, right beside you as you read these words. He is real, He loves you, and He is good and faithful. Walk in that realization today as you serve Him in your corner of the world.

1 Comment

Troy Hahn · September 1, 2023 at 3:12 am

Thank you for these inspiring words for right now.


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