“When they heard these things, all in the synagogue were filled with wrath.” (4:29) ESV
The fourth chapter of Luke is a fascinating journey into the hearts of people who suffered from preconceived ideas. Jesus was back at home and reading the Scripture in the synagogue where He grew up. This short passage goes from people singing His praises because of His text and comments to trying to throw Him off a cliff just a few verses later. What is fascinating is the reason for their change of heart. He told them He was the fulfillment of this Messianic text, but that didn’t seem to trouble their Jewish sensibilities. He rebuked them for not believing in Him because He had grown up there, but that did not ruffle any feathers. However, the moment He told them that God also loves and works in Gentiles as well as Jews, this filled them with wrath.
They had no issue with a Messiah who behaved like they wanted and who served them according to their expectations. However, the minute He stepped outside of their “box” and did something out of character, they were ready to disavow Him. Many people are like that today. They have a certain image of God in their minds, and they want one who fits their categories, loves who they love, thinks as they think, and meets their every desire. Likely, this is not the God of the Bible. Jesus does not live up to my expectations; instead, it is my job to live up to His. Is your Jesus too small? Is He truly the Jesus of the gospels who flouted the traditions of men and obeyed the Father with wild abandon? Is He the savior who was unconcerned with conventional wisdom and who defied the expectations of others? Is it possible He might think differently than you believed and ask things of you that you never dreamed He would? Instead of conforming Him in your mind to some preconceived image, the challenge is to be conformed to His image regardless of what it costs you.
1 Comment
Pat · January 10, 2025 at 7:39 pm
This reminds me of a Sunday school lesson. Is your God too small? Of course the answer is way more often than I think.
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