As for what was sown on good soil, this is he who hears the Word and grasps and comprehends it; he indeed bears fruit and yields in one case a hundred times as much as was sown, in another sixty times as much, and in another thirty. (vs. 23)

This parable of the four soils tells us about the importance of soil that is well prepared for the gospel seed. When the seed falls on hard, rocky, or shallow soils (hearts), the results are negligible or, at best, temporary. However, the harvest is assured whenever the seed is sown on soil that is prepared by the Spirit and ready to receive it. The amplified version here highlights the importance of grasping and comprehending the word of God. Responding to a message you neither believe nor understand will not result in eternal life. Some people in churches today respond without faith or comprehension and think they are truly Christian because they repeated some words with the pastor. However, there is no evidence of fruit in their life. When the word of God truly enters one’s heart, it will produce results.

However, it is also interesting that everyone’s life and experience will look slightly different. We are not all the same, and being a disciple of Christ is not a cookie-cutter kind of experience. We all have stories, circumstances, and journeys that we are on, which are as varied and unique as we are. There are some standards in the disciple’s life that are universal. God expects faithfulness from us (being consistent in our growth and walk), and He expects fruitfulness. However, each one’s fruitfulness is also unique. In this parable, Jesus said that the word of God bears fruit, but sometimes it is a hundredfold, other times sixtyfold, and other times thirty. This is not to say that there are only three categories of fruitfulness or that we have an excuse to be lazy. Instead, the principle that Jesus teaches is that those who are changed by the Word will bear fruit, and our job is to be faithful and live the life God leads us to live. The results are in His hands, and it’s not a competition. Every disciple’s contribution is vital to the Kingdom, so we must be faithful and fruitful while trusting Him with the results.

1 Comment

Patricia S Ivie · February 21, 2024 at 1:47 pm

Thank you for your words today. Praying for you and Suzie.

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