Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and said, Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that You have brought me this far? (v. 18)

The older I get, the more nostalgic I become. In this season of life, I am looking back at 27 years of service in Africa and a change of direction to being a missions professor in the U.S. When I read these words from David, they echo the same feelings I currently have. God had made some big promises to David about his reign and future, and David was humbled and thankful that God would show him undeserved grace. As I consider the faithfulness of God and how far He has brought our family during these years in Africa, I, too, am humbled and thankful. Many times, things could have gone off the rails, but God kept us safe, kept us on track, and somehow used us in His service. I do not deserve His favor. Yet, it is also a sobering reminder that God’s favor and grace for today does not mean that you have “arrived” or that the struggle is over. This same David who humbly meditated on God’s underserved goodness in his life is the same David who, a few chapters later, will take everything for granted and commit the most shameful acts imaginable. It is good to rejoice in God’s faithfulness and favor today, but also remember that this life is a marathon, not a sprint. We will need His grace and goodness as much in the U.S. in the days to come as we ever did in the African bush. God has brought you this far, but there is still further to go. Stay faithful to the very end, and serve with the same vigor and zeal tomorrow that you have today. Don’t allow the victories of the past to make you blind to the challenges of the future.


Sonny Sweatman · June 3, 2024 at 12:49 pm

Thanks for the devotions over the last fee years. They have been very meaningful to me as a retired African missionary. Will these continue when you transition to the States? Where will you be as .missions professor? We are in North Carolina if you are anywhere near there.
Just from my own experience, know that the transition can be tough. We will certainly be praying for you guys during this time.

Prayerfully yours,

Sonny Sweatman

    Kevin Rodgers · July 29, 2024 at 7:33 pm

    Thanks so much for praying for us. Yes, i hope to continue the blog, though I know it will suffer a bit in the transition because we are so busy. Hopefully, I will be able to get into a rhythm once we are settled. Blessings

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