Hear my cry, God; Give Your attention to my prayer. From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a refuge for me, A tower of strength against the enemy. Let me dwell in Your tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Selah (1-4)

Many who have done a twelve-step program have learned that appealing to a higher power is the only way to be truly free from addiction. Yet, these programs often allow you to choose any higher power you want, from Buddha to Jesus to Mother Nature. The only true higher power to appeal to is the one true God of the Bible. David understood that in Psalm 61. He cries out to the God who could hear his prayer from anywhere. He proclaimed that he could call to God from the end of the earth, and He would answer. What a comfort that is for us. God is not just the God of the city or the God of a particular people. He is God everywhere. It was common in David’s day for pagan religions to believe that certain Gods were territorial and only had power in the hills or on the plains. Yet, David knew that our God, Yahweh, is the only God and the God over all of creation. We are never too far away for Him to hear and answer. In fact, wherever we are, He is already there.

David also appealed to God as his rock, his stronghold, and tower of refuge. In short, God was the one that David could run to and be saved, no matter the threat. In the following Psalm, David says something similar, “My soul waits in silence for God only; From Him is my salvation.” (62:1). The only answer to David’s situation was God, so he only waited for Him in silence. David proclaimed that Yahweh was a rock higher than him. This realization is significant since David was the King of Israel and the highest one in the land. Yet, he knew that God was a rock even higher than him. If the king of the land realizes that God is higher than him, how much more so is God higher than us. We are insignificant; we are people that will never be famous. We are a drop of water in a sea of humanity. However, God hears your call even from the end of the earth. God is your refuge and fortress. He is the highest rock upon which any lowly child of God may stand. He is the only higher power, and submitting your life to Him is the secret to everything.


Janet Buchanan · July 8, 2022 at 12:08 am

I’m preparing for Sunday School next Sunday. Our lesson is Elijah on Mt. Carmel. Your article is a perfect fit! Thanks. I’ll be using your comments as we discuss our obedience leading to absolute trust in God!

    Kevin Rodgers · July 8, 2022 at 8:44 am

    You’re very welcome Janet

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