Then Balak said to Balaam, “What have you done to me? I took you to put a curse on my enemies, but behold, you have actually blessed them!” He replied, “Must I not be careful to speak what the Lord puts in my mouth?” (11-12)

You are likely familiar with this story if you have read much in the Old Testament. The people of God are wandering through other kingdoms on their way to their promised land. Each time they encounter another kingdom, they politely ask to pass through with promises that they will take nothing and leave only footprints. Every time, the Kings do not trust them, and they wage a pointless battle against God’s people, resulting in the defeat of all the pagan kings in the area. Having seen their failures, Balak of Moab decides to take another approach and hire a false prophet Balaam to curse the people of God. In his mind, this could be the answer to removing this scourge from his land.

The encounter with Balaam is comical, and we all remember how the Angel of the Lord frustrated the prophet and gave his donkey speech to chastise him. Additionally, there are the chapters where, time after time, Balak tries to convince Balaam to curse them, but he blesses them instead. The most fantastic thing about these chapters, though, is that it all happens behind the scenes while Moses and the people of God are just going through their daily lives. It is almost an aside where we get a peek behind the curtain and see a story play out that the Israelites did not even know until Moses divinely recorded it.

This realization is incredibly encouraging to me. You see, God is always at work behind the scenes, and most of it is unbeknownst to us. How many times has God protected you, and you did not know you needed protecting? How many times has God fought battles for you that you did not even know He was fighting? This little story shows us that while God was working among His people, He was also working all around His people for their good and His glory. Stop right now and thank God for His unseen hand that guides you and protects you when you don’t even realize that you need it.


Glenn Kling · February 24, 2022 at 1:31 pm

Thanks for your insights. I always enjoy reading every one of them. It causes me to pause and reflect on God’s influence in our daily lives.

    Kevin Rodgers · February 24, 2022 at 1:57 pm

    Thanks Glenn, I appreciate your encouragment and faithfulness.

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