Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God. (5-8)

When I was a kid there was a nutrition campaign with the title, “You Are What You Eat.” Basically, it tried to teach that what you put in your body determines your health—if you only consume junk food then that is what you become. There is some truth to that statement physically, but Paul is here saying that you are what “you think.” Your thoughts determine your actions, but more importantly, your nature is what determines your thoughts. We are born with a sinful nature and before we are born again that sinful nature dominates our thoughts, words, and actions. If you are in Christ, you must let the Spirit control your mind. Who you are inside is what determines what you think. “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45b)

We are a society that relishes control and we react strongly against other people or institutions that try to control us or dominate our thinking. We love to think that we are in control of our lives and choices, but nothing could be further from the truth. Whether you want to admit it or not, you are a slave to your sinful nature. As much as you try to resist and do the right thing there is no way that you can stand up to its bullying. At least, that is, until you are born again by the Spirit. Once the Holy Spirit is in you then you can give control of yourself to Him and He can set you free from the dominating slavery of your sinful nature.

You don’t have a choice to control yourself… you will be controlled by something or someone. The question is what will you allow to control you. If you let your sinful nature have its way you will always think about sinful things and that leads to death. However, if you give control over to the Holy Spirit then His control of your mind will lead to life and peace. You will think about the things that please God and that bring glory to Him. We had another saying when I was a kid; “Garbage in Equals Garbage Out.” Being controlled by the Spirit means that you submit control of your mind to Him and you only take in the things that please Him. The sinful nature will drive you to watch and listen to all manner of evil things, which leads you to a deeper slavery to sin. The Holy Spirit, however, drives you to watch, listen to, and think about the things that please God and this is a recipe for life, peace, and most of all, true freedom.


Glenn Kling · October 16, 2021 at 2:23 am

The conclusion that “You don’t have a choice to control yourself… you will be controlled by something or someone” is deep. By that standard, we are either moving towards God or away from His righteousness at every decision we make. I just had the oil changed in my car and when I got the bill the cashier commented that my car sure did take a lot of oil, 9 quarts. I didn’t say anything but thought, “I’m not sure of that”. So I checked the level on the oil dip stick when I got home and sure enough, it was at the top mark. Then I googled my car’s oil capacity and sure enough, 9 quarts. But when I looked back over a bill from last year, I was only charged with 5 quarts. So what should I do? The world would say, “It’s OK, just forget about it”. But the Spirit says, “As long as you were ignorant of the undercharge, you were OK. But now that you are knowledgeable, you need to correct it.” It is strange that the Spirit is so clear when we want to listen to Him but it is so easy to justify doing the opposite.
Thanks for your insight.

    Kevin Rodgers · October 16, 2021 at 9:57 am

    Thanks for your comments Glenn, they are very perceptive. We even know from Galatians that “Self Control” is a fruit of the Spirit. We try with all of our might to control our selves, but ultimately the only choice we have is to give control of ourselves over to the Holy Spirit. It is He who will then produce the fruit of Self Control in us. I cannot generate self-control on my own, but if I give the Spirit control He then empowers me to walk in self-control. Thanks for your insight.

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