O God, have mercy on me, for people are hounding me. My foes attack me all day long. I am constantly hounded by those who slander me, and many are boldly attacking me. But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. (1-3)

David wrote this Psalm when he was running from Saul and escaped to Gath. There the Philistines did not trust him and did whatever they could to undermine him to the King. David ended up feigning madness in order to evade their scrutiny. He truly felt “hounded.” That term “hounded”, conjures up images of someone who is constantly barraged with questions and problems. Yet, its root goes back to the way hunting dogs worked in packs. As they pursue their prey, they surround the helpless animal and bite and tear until eventually, they bring it down. The prey can face one attacker, but that only means that others are attacking its unguarded flanks. This is how David felt as his foes attacked him “all day long.”

Perhaps you feel that way at times. Do you feel that no matter which way you turn you are facing another problem or another person who slanders you and boldly attacks you? We all go through seasons like this where it seems we can never get a break; we solve one problem, only to be confronted by another—we deal with one false accusation to only have to endure another. It is like being surrounded by a pack of hunting dogs intent on dragging us to the ground. What should we do when enemies back us into a corner. Psychologists say that our instinct is fight or flight. However, David lets us know that there is a third option—be still and trust in the Lord. When David was afraid he put his trust in God. Perhaps you are tempted to lash out or run away; a better option is to trust in Jesus and let Him fight the battle for you.


Betty Joe Rodgers · September 30, 2021 at 6:50 pm

I may use this with my youth group one evening. I think teenagers today in America feel hounded by their peers as well as adults. I think the fight or flight options are the only ones they have considered. Thanks for sharing.

    Kevin Rodgers · October 1, 2021 at 1:43 pm

    Thanks Mom 🙂

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