Even zeal is not good without knowledge, and the one who acts hastily sins. (2)

Zeal and excitement can be a good thing. Too many believers these days are overly morose and they are not passionate about the things of God. People are often turned off to the gospel because they see people who claim to be Christian, living without joy. We need more passion in our relationship with Him and more passion in our witness about Him. Yet, that word passion is often overused these days. Young people of this generation are always talking about what they are “passionate” about, and really it just means they “like” something. Zeal is more than that; zeal is great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective. However, zeal alone is not enough to make a difference. Zeal must be coupled with knowledge.

There is an old English proverb that says, “Zeal without knowledge is like a runaway horse.” Horses can be useful animals when tamed; they are also beautiful and they possess great power and majesty. Yet, when they are spooked and running from danger they can be extremely unpredictable and dangerous. That is how zeal is when it is not tempered by knowledge. Someone who is zealous or passionate about something, without having proper knowledge of how best to use that passion, can turn out extremely dangerous in the end. Consider, for instance, the terrorist who is a religious zealot turned murderer because he is overtaken by a zeal that is not tempered with Godly wisdom and knowledge.

Zeal without wisdom can lead to rash decisions and rash decisions can lead to sin. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take risks or that we always have to look before we leap. However, it does mean that we need to be careful that our decisions are led by the Holy Spirit and not simply a result of our enthusiasm. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve allowed my excitement to get the best of me and made a foolhardy decision because I hadn’t taken the time to hear from the Lord about His will in the matter. The “one who acts hastily sins,” because he hasn’t prayed it through and made sure it is God’s will. We need knowledge and wisdom from God to be coupled with a zeal that comes from Him, and then we will make the right choices. Your zeal without His knowledge can be dangerous and will only lead to regret.