Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. (v. 3)

As I studied this messianic psalm in my quiet time this morning, I was struck by the wording of this verse in the ESV. Most of us have heard the KJV rendering, “God inhabits the praise of Israel.” You have probably heard sermons about God inhabiting the praise of His people. While this is true, the more literal rendering of God being enthroned on the praises of Israel conjured all kinds of images in my mind. I thought of Revelation 7:9 and a multitude surrounding the throne of God praising Him. I imagined a magnificent throne worthy of the one true God. The praises of God’s people are meant to exalt Him and magnify His majesty.

Then, I thought of my own praises and wondered if they were truly worthy of God or a “throne” in keeping with His glory. I had to confess they are not. If God sits on a throne of praise, then what kind of a “throne” have I built for Him? I pray daily, but like many of us, my prayers are often more about me and what I need (or want) for myself and others. I envisioned God sitting on a plastic chair made for a child or something like a little “three-legged stool” of praise. Is that the kind of throne I want Him on? Obviously, the throne in Heaven is not literally built from our prayers, but it is a helpful image to remember in our prayer life. Do we praise Him and worship Him as He deserves? Do we magnify Him in our prayer life as He should be magnified? Is our worship, singing, and meditation lavish and rich like a king’s throne, or is it paltry, wobbly, and unworthy of a King?