Nehemiah 4 NLT

Tobiah the Ammonite, who was standing beside him, remarked, “That stone wall would collapse if even a fox walked along the top of it!” Then I prayed, “Hear us, our God, for we are being mocked. May their scoffing fall back on their own heads, and may they themselves become captives in a foreign land! Do not ignore their guilt. Do not blot out their sins, for they have provoked you to anger here in front of the builders.” At last the wall was completed to half its height around the entire city, for the people had worked with enthusiasm. (3-6)

I love the story and lessons of Nehemiah, the cupbearer to the King who had a God-given vision to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. There are so many encouraging lessons to be gleaned from this book. However, one thing that stands out the most is how much people can accomplish when they are empowered by God and united around a vision from God. I have to confess that I sometimes “skim” sections when it is just list after list of names. Yet, I cannot skim chapter 3 of Nehemiah. I am drawn into the detailed exposition of all of these people (who more than just names) that came together and braved opposition and demanding labor in order to accomplish something great. As you read, verse by verse, you see individual after individual doing their part and working together for the greater good. They were focused on their section of the wall right in front of them, but they also knew they were a part of something greater and they took responsibility for the needs and security of their fellow builders.

Few of us will ever have the privilege of living through a “Nehemiah-like” experience. God has called us to a vision much greater and a task that involves the proclamation of the gospel to the entire world. Yet, it seems we are so fragmented and so self-focused that we rarely take stock of the bigger picture. As you serve in your local church or work in a ministry capacity elsewhere, envision those people who found themselves involved in a construction project they never foresaw. With one heart and one mind they leaped to the task and they “worked with enthusiasm.” There was an excitement that swept through them as they realized that they were living in a unique day, called to a unique role and given the privilege of actually making a difference that would last long after they were gone. My prayer for you is that God would give you that same opportunity, that you will recognize the significance of the moment you are in, and that you make the very most of it for His glory.