Colossians 2

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. 7 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. (6-7)

The problem with many believers today is not how they start but how they finish. This is especially true in cultures where it is acceptable to be a Christian. In some parts of the world, converting to Christ means persecution and suffering. This tends to weed out those who aren’t serious and that commitment to Him often carries on into their day-to-day discipleship as well. However, where there is no opposition to Jesus, or where it is even culturally encouraged to be a “Christian,” there tends to be a common lukewarmness to spiritual things. Mediocrity in one’s spiritual life must be avoided at all costs.

This is the context of the verses quoted above. Yes, we must accept Jesus as Lord, but it doesn’t stop there—we must continue to follow Him. What does it mean to follow Him? Does it mean to simply call yourself a Christian, go to church on Sunday, and try to be a good person? Those are not bad things, but there is much more to it than that. Paul says that our “roots” must grow deep down into Him. In other words, He must become our source of life, our source of direction, and our source of purpose. A true Christian’s life is built on the foundation of Jesus. Everything you do, think, and say must be intrinsically connected to and informed by that foundation. Only by being completely rooted in Him will your faith grow strong and will you become who He intends you to be.