The one who lives with integrity lives securely, but whoever perverts his ways will be found out. (9)

You have probably heard many people say “if you’ve done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about.” I think this is what Solomon meant by this statement that the “one who lives with integrity lives securely.” In other words, he is not worried about being discovered or facing any kind of punishment for his actions. He knows that he is okay with God and with all around him. However, those who engage in sin or “pervert their ways” will be found out. The bible says this in many ways from “you reap what you sow” to “be sure your sins will find you out.” You might try to hide your sin for a while, but God knows everything the moment it happens, and eventually others will discover it also.

I have noticed that this principle applies to telling the truth as well. If you always tell the truth then you will live securely, but the moment you tell a lie it seems another lie has to follow to cover that one; eventually lies beget more lies until everything falls apart like a house of cards, and the truth (and your shame) is revealed. The answer to this is to always tell the truth and to always do the right thing. Of course, none of us are perfect and we can’t “always” do the right thing, but the more that we walk in integrity with our words and actions the more freedom and security we will know in our everyday lives. We need to live in our private moments as if everyone is watching. Certainly, God is always watching and that audience of one should be enough to make us think twice before we do something we will regret.