“Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, so that you obey its desires. And do not offer any parts of it to sin as weapons for unrighteousness. But as those who are alive from the dead, offer yourselves to God as weapons for righteousness. For sin will not rule over you, because you are not under the law but under grace.” 6:12-14

We all have our favorite bible translations for different reasons; some focus on readability while others on accuracy. Others, are more concerned with familiarity and will default to the version they grew up with. One of the things I have enjoyed about reading through the bible in a year, is the principle of doing a different English translation every year. This year I am doing the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). It is a solid translation, but one of the things I am appreciating about it, is that it tends to translate things in ways that are accurate but often unfamiliar. A good example is this term “weapons for righteousness.” Most translations use the term “instruments of righteousness” and so this term weapon really made me do a double take. The word that is often translated “instrument” can be used for a tool or a weapon. However, the verb “offer” (or “present” as it is sometimes translated) actually is used of military commands and, therefore, the idea of weapon could be even more appropriate.

What is significant here is that something or someone will control us. We have the illusion that we are in control, but Paul is saying that Christ (and not sin) should reign in our mortal bodies. Whether we realize it or not we are in a war every day. Yes, we are waging a war against the evil forces of the cosmic realm, but we are also waging a war with ourselves and in ourselves. Our bodies and our minds are the battleground where this war is taking place and we have to intentionally choose to not let sin reign in our bodies, but submit them to Christ as Lord. Equally fascinating is that our very mortal bodies are weapons; they can be weapons of unrighteousness surrendered to the enemy and at his disposal, or they can be weapons of righteousness that are tools wielded in the hands of Jesus to win the battle and change the world.

It is difficult at times to consider how my body can be a deadly weapon. I’m reminded of the old joke about karate masters who had their hands and feet registered as deadly weapons. I don’t think that is me 😊 and that is probably not what Paul has in mind. Yet, I can remember the times when my physical body was in the wrong place, doing things that brought shame to the name of Jesus and hurt my testimony. Paul says don’t let your physical body be used by the enemy as a weapon of unrighteousness, but instead let it be used by Jesus as a weapon of righteousness. That same physical body can go to different places and do things that are good, that help people and change lives. What about my brain and the thoughts that are running around in there every day; is it a weapon of righteousness or unrighteousness? Better still the tongue; Provers 12:18 says, “There is one who speaks rashly, like a piercing sword; but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Our tongues can be used as weapons of destruction if we are not careful, or when wielded by Jesus they can be used as weapons that bring life, healing and encouragement.

The most important thing to remember is that you are not comfortably seated on the sidelines. You are in the battle whether you realize it or not. If you don’t realize that you in the battle every day, then you are likely losing the battle and your mortal body is actually being used as a weapon in the hands of your enemy. As someone who has been brought from death to life, don’t let sin rule over you. Get in the battle… present your mortal body as a weapon of righteousness to Jesus every day, and make sure it stays in His hands. He can use you if you submit to Him.