“Yet the LORD was PLEASED to crush him severely. When you make him a guilt offering he will see his seed, he will prolong his days, and by his hand, the LORD’s pleasure will be accomplished.” 53:10

We are all familiar with the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 and we know that Isaiah was pointing forward to the one who would come and save us from sin. I have read this, preached this and heard it preached countless times; but it still gets me every time. Not only am I astounded by the faithfulness of Jesus in his suffering and sacrifice for us, but I am also equally in awe of the love of God for you and me. This was His son; His son who knew no sin and who did not deserve to die. I am a wretch, I deserve nothing less than hell and suffering forever. Yet, the LORD was PLEASED to crush Him severely. Of course, Hebrews tells us that Jesus was pleased to suffer because of the joy that was set before Him. Isaiah refers to that joy in this verse when he talks about the suffering servant seeing His seed and the result of His sacrifice. But still, God the Father was PLEASED to crush His Son severely. I don’t think I will ever comprehend the height, the depth and the breadth of the love of God. I am grateful for it, I am consumed by it and I am utterly humbled that the LORD would go to such lengths to redeem a wretch like me.