Lord, if you kept an account of iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that you may be revered. I wait for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in his word. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning—more than watchmen for the morning. (130:3-6)

I thank God that He keeps no record of wrongs. All of us look back on the failures of our past with shame and regret. Even when we think we might have arrived, we have not. Yes, we are slowly being sanctified and conformed to His image, but we will also wrestle with the flesh and sin until we breathe our last. Thank the Lord that with Him there is forgiveness. It does cause us to revere Him and celebrate His grace and goodness. No matter what we face we can trust Him and no matter how we fail His mercy in Christ is boundless.

Hoping in Him is steadfast and sure. I love verse 6 because of its vivid imagery. I imagine a watchman on the wall, shivering in the cold and waiting for morning to come. When the morning comes he will get to go home and rest; when the sun rises his labor will be over and he will be rewarded for that labor. Until it comes, he has to pace, watch, and try to stay awake. He has a job to do and He cannot relent until the morning comes. Yet, the good news for him is that the morning ALWAYS comes! Yes, there is labor, hardship, and cold on his watch but thousands of dawns have proven to Him that the morning always comes. That is our hope in a loving Lord—more faithful than the rising sun, He never fails.