Listen to your father who gave you life, and don’t despise your mother when she is old. Buy—and do not sell—truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding. The father of a righteous son will rejoice greatly, and one who fathers a wise son will delight in him. Let your father and mother have joy, and let her who gave birth to you rejoice. (23:22-25)

I have to say that I have some really good kids; I don’t take any credit for that… that goes to the Lord and their mother, but they are good nonetheless. When I say that I have good kids, I mean that I see them trying to follow the Lord and trying to be the best that they can be. My children are talented and I love them. I think that most people think their kids are wonderful and they tend to think highly of them. There is nothing particularly unusual about that.

However, one of the things that is most special about my kids is that they still care what Suzie and I think. That is more rare than you might realize. There comes a time when children become their own people with their own ideas and their own traditions. That is a good thing. Whether we realize it or not we want our kids to be independent and able to stand on their own. However, when someone can be true to themselves and yet still be humble enough to respect and listen to the wisdom of those who have gone before them, that is when you know they are on the right track.

We “delight” in our children and have “joy” because we see in them people who are strong enough to chart their own course, wise enough to at least listen to our advice (even when they don’t agree) and pursuing Christ with a faith that is “theirs.” The bible says that a wise son (child) brings delight and the father of a righteous son rejoices greatly. I couldn’t agree more. I have no greater joy than when I see my children are walking in the truth (see 3 John v.4) My kids are strong, talented, wise and gifted. They are a credit to their “heavenly Father.” Yet, nothing thrills me more than when I see them pursuing the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength.