Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord; also his mother, who has been a mother to me as well. (13)

In Romans 16, Paul sheds light on some of the saints who were behind the scenes serving God. Some of those we meet in Acts, like Prisca and Aquilla, but others are never spoken of except here. While there have been many prominent people in history that God has used to expand His kingdom, He has also used countless others who we will never fully know until we reach heaven. Consider the circuit-riding preachers, itinerant evangelists, and forgotten missionaries who died almost as soon as they reached the shore in some distant land. What about untold millions of faithful church members who have served God with their whole hearts in their local church in some small corner of the world? No one knows their names today, but they were (and are) loved and valued by Jesus.

Here Paul fondly remembers the mother of Rufus because she had been like a mother to him. As far as we know, she was not a great church planter or a leader in the church, but she had served him, and thus, she had served the kingdom. There are many ways to serve God, and He gifts each one of us differently. No matter who you are or where you live, God has equipped you to be of service in His kingdom, and you must lean into those gifts and talents to serve Him with all your heart. Something as simple as your wonderful cooking, Christ-like hospitality, and encouraging words can impact someone else. These acts also serve God and mean so much to the rest of the body. Being a mother to someone who needs it can be one of the most meaningful services imaginable. How has God gifted you, and how can you serve the body for His glory? Your devotion and service are great tools in the hands of the master, and every tool is useful in His toolbox.