1 Timothy 4-6 CSB

Don’t let anyone despise your youth, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. Until I come, give your attention to public reading, exhortation, and teaching. (4:12-13)

These few verses from 1 Timothy are what the Lord used to call me in to the full time gospel ministry. I can remember very early in my marriage, before we had any children, going through a really restless spell in my life. I was selling insurance door to door, and I didn’t mind the work. It was fulfilling in that I would sell insurance to those who were interested, and I would share the gospel with those who were not. I loved being outdoors and I loved the freedom that was afforded me as a salesman for a Christian company. Those door to door insurance days were very formative for me and gave me lots of opportunities to use teaching and evangelism gifts that God had given me. Suzie and I were young, in love, and living from day to day just trusting God to provide.

Then, I went through a phase where I didn’t want to go to work or do anything; I just wanted to sit around and read the bible and pray. I remember thinking, “What is wrong with me? I don’t see any obvious sin in my life but still, I am miserable all the time unless I am spending all day with the Lord.” I wrestled with God during that season and tried to figure out what was going on in my heart. It was then in my reading I came across these verses, and a light bulb came on in my mind. I realized, deep in my heart, that God was calling me to full time preaching and teaching ministry. I was young and inexperienced, but I shared this news with my pastor and he rejoiced at what God was doing in my life. Before I knew it I was no longer selling insurance but was on staff at our church as the Minister of Outreach and Evangelism.

These verses have always been special to me since then, but as I look at them today I realize that what Paul told young Timothy doesn’t just apply to a new preacher starting in ministry. When you are young you do need to be careful about your example and realize that respect is something you earn over time by being someone who pleases God. Yet, now 30 years later, I still need to set an example for the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. To this day, I still give attention to reading, preaching, and teaching the Scripture. That call that I felt in my life that day has never left me, and neither has the responsibility to have a Godly character. You never arrive. Even though I am no longer a “youth” the standards are just as high (maybe higher) and God expects even more from me now than He did that day He showed me what He was calling me to do.