“This is what the LORD says: Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool. Where could you possibly build a house for me? And where would my resting place be? My hand made all these things, and so they all came into being. This is the LORD’s declaration. I will look favorably on this kind of person: one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and trembles at my word.” 66:1-2

In a day of great fear and dread when the COVID-19 virus is filling every news outlet and the thoughts of everyone on the entire planet, it is good to remember who is in charge and what we should really fear. God created everything, and he knows everything. Nothing takes him by surprise and the very heads of our head are numbered. He has a plan for each one of us, and even this virus was not a surprise to Him.

Who does the LORD look favorably upon? The answer; “one who is humble, submissive in spirit and trembles at His word.” Healthy respect and wisdom are from God, and we should employ them in days like today. But let us never forget that being humble before Him, submissive to do what He tells us to do and to go where He tells us to go are what pleases Him most. Do we tremble at today’s news and what is going on around us, or are we “trembling” at His word? I am convicted that, lately, I have spent more time combing the daily news articles than I have scouring His word for truth that matters today. Now, more than ever, we need to be hearing from the LORD and His word is exceedingly relevant to our situation. Dive into it and get the perspective that will help you respond with wisdom, clarity, and grace to whatever you might face today.