The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? (17:9)

Forgive my indulgence today; I feel a bit like rambling. I ran across this verse in my quiet time this morning, and it was one of the first verses I ever memorized as a new Christian. The funny thing is the way that I learned it. The year was 1985, and I was attending a Larry Norman concert on my college campus. Most of you probably don’t know that name; honestly, he was already old in 1985. 😊 However, he introduced a song, beginning with that verse and a few others. For some reason, that verse and his song stuck in my mind. It is incredible how I cannot remember what I am supposed to do tomorrow but can recall the lyrics to old songs at will.

His song was “A Woman of God,” and I found some lyrics for your benefit. It would be best to listen to him sing the song on YouTube (especially the live version from “Stop This Flight”). It is straight to the point and raises some issues that would be good for young people to consider today. Here are a couple of verses…

I need a woman who doesn’t take drugs or mess with men,

Believes the Bible and despises sin.

Lifts me up instead of knocking me down.

Follows God instead of running around.

I need a woman who’s kind and true.

I haven’t found her but until I do,

I’ll be looking for a woman of God.

A woman with a righteous heart

I’ll be looking for a woman of God,

Who doesn’t easily fall apart.

Like many artists, some controversy swirls around his legacy (he died in 2008), so this reflection is not an endorsement of Larry as much as it is a trip down memory lane to a time when I was looking for a woman of God. I thank the Lord for giving her to me, and my wife Suzie is the epitome of this song. That last line stood out as I listened to this song again today. Probably the greatest thing I admire about Suzie is her strength and resilience. She goes to hard places and does difficult things with a smile on her face, and she never “falls apart.” It seems we live in a time when many “easily fall apart,” and I believe that resilience is a hallmark quality of true godliness. Think about the Godly women you admire in your life; they are likely strong, mature, and resilient. In a time when everyone seems to be brittle and fragile, look for a spouse who is mature, dependable, and resilient, even in the face of adversity. They are out there. Even Larry said he hadn’t found her yet, so he was still looking. Don’t settle for less; you will be grateful when the tough times come.