I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. (2)

This Psalm of King David is especially touching. In it, he remarks on God’s transcendence, how He is high and above all but still regards the lowly. He also praises God’s faithfulness and how He always sees him through every challenge of life. David was the shepherd boy whom God exalted to become a King. Yet, David recognizes that it is not about him; instead, it is all about God. God has exalted two things above all else: His holy name and His holy word. We are often tempted to become introspective and even self-absorbed with our own problems. We sometimes think the world revolves around us and that everything else must come to a grinding halt while we sort through our physical or emotional struggles. Yet, in the grand scheme of things, we are just a speck of dust in a vast universe of God’s concern.

The great and mighty God cares about your every concern; even the hairs on your head are numbered and known by Him. However, His name and His word are to be preeminent in our lives. Indeed, God demonstrates His faithfulness to us by exalting His name and His word above everything, including us. This helps us keep everything in perspective. Let your entire being be focused on exalting His name. Let your entire life be submitted to His word. This is the only path to fulfillment and peace. As David says in verse 8 of the very same Psalm, “the Lord will fulfill His purpose” for you. Your job is to get your eyes off of yourself and focus on Him and His word. He will take care of the rest.