“Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, through our Lord Jesus Christ and through the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in fervent prayers to God on my behalf. Pray that I may be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea, that my ministry to Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints, and that, by God’s will, I may come to you with joy and be refreshed together with you.” 15:30-32

In our missionary circles, we call it “holding the rope.” In short, nobody can do what needs to be done alone. The work of the church is a team effort, and the work of missions to the world is a team effort. As Paul wrote the Romans, he wanted to instruct and guide them through his letter and he wanted to come and see them… but he also wanted them to labor together with him through their prayers for him. One of the big mistakes we make in our American culture is trying to be a Lone Ranger and do the work all on our own. Yet, God has made it clear that the work of the Kingdom is a team effort and you need the rest of the body and all its parts.

This is abundantly clear to us as we serve the Lord overseas. We could not do what we do without people back home supporting us, sometimes coming out to work alongside us, but most importantly striving side by side together with us through their prayers. Sometimes we are tempted (in America and abroad) to think that the work is OUR work, but actually, it is GOD’S work. It has to be done for His glory and it has to be done by His power or we are just wasting time. Since God is the one who is at work in and through us, it means that you can easily join us in the work by simply praying for us. This is what Paul meant when he asked them to “strive together with him.” Getting on a plane and going on a volunteer trip is a vital way to help, but it is no substitute for prayer and those who “fervently pray” for work around the world are contributing just as significantly as those who get on the plane. In fact, if you get on the plane and are not “fervently praying” as well then your trip could be more of a hindrance than a help.

Who are you striving together with in prayer? How are you impacting the lost, your church, your pastor and the missionaries your church sends out? We appeal to you, brothers and sisters, through our Lord Jesus Christ and through the love of the Spirit, to strive together with us in fervent prayers on behalf of our work and the work across Sub-Saharan Africa. As we labor here we can sense you standing side by side with us in the harvest fields, and it is comforting to know you are “holding the rope” for us as we do what God has called us to do.