Romans 8 is one of the most beloved chapters for believers because of the comfort we find in “everything working out together for our good.” Yet, the chapter is chocked full of wonderful truths from beginning to end. In contrast to the condemnation that comes from sin and the Law, Paul tells us that there is freedom and glory in the Spirit of God. We have been talking about the glory of God and how that glory belongs to Him alone; and it does. Yet, Paul promises us that if we are in Christ we will one day share in that glory. “The Spirit himself testifies together with our spirit that we are God’s children, and if children, also heirs—heirs of God and coheirs with Christ—if indeed we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that tis going to be revealed to us.” 8:16-17

In Chapter 8 we see the believer groaning and participating in the sufferings of Christ as children of God who have been left here to serve, to be victorious, and even to suffer. We also see the creation groaning, yearning to be set free from the bondage of the fall, no longer suffering decay but experiencing freedom under the reign of the King. Finally, even the Spirit is groaning as He helps us in our weakness, crying out to God on our behalf when we don’t how to pray or what to pray. All of this groaning… groaning from the fall, groaning out to God, looking forward to a future… but not just any future, a future that ends in glory. We are guaranteed glory when we are free from sin, glory as the justified are glorified, glory as the God of Heaven works out all things for good for those of us who are called according to His purpose.

Again, this is not a glory due to us or a glory of our own making. This is God’s glory manifested in His children, in creation and throughout the universe at the end of all things. No matter how bad things get, no matter how bleak things seem and no matter how much your spirit is groaning. God hears, He knows and He turns that groaning into glory in His way and in His time.