In Romans chapter 1 we are introduced to the intriguing concept of “general revelation.” This is a bit different from special revelation which is Christ and the Bible. We often say that general revelation is the revelation of God to man through His creation, and through Human conscience. In short, we can see that God is there because His creation makes it evident and because of the innate sense of right and wrong that God has put into every culture. We can learn some things about God from general revelation, but it is not as sufficient a witness as special revelation. Scholars often say that general revelation is sufficient to make us accountable (reveal that God is real and that we are sinners) but not sufficient to save (the gospel comes by means of special revelation alone).

Speaking of the pagans in his day who had only the witness of conscience and creation, Paul says, “For though they knew God, they did not glorify him as God or show gratitude. Instead their thinking became worthless and their senseless hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man, birds, four-footed animals, and reptiles.” (1:21-23) Reading this cuts me to the heart, for while they are without excuse because God has given them a witness… those same words could be said of most church members who have been privy to the gospel, God’s word, His church and so many other effective means of witness.

How many of us know God but give ourselves glory instead of Him? How many of us live lives of ingratitude and complaint? How many of us have allowed our thinking to become worthless and our hearts to be darkened by the vile influences of a fallen world? We often claim to be wise and yet usually act as fools. We might not exchange the glory of God for worshipping images of creation, but we often bow to any number of other man made idols that get more of our time and devotion than we give to Jesus. In truth, the children of God who have been given every benefit and blessing of special revelation often act more pagan than the pagans around us. We do not hold the Glory of God as our highest priority but instead it is often trampled underfoot. Thank God today for His revelation of Himself in your life and commit to live in a way that is worthy of that revelation.