Ephesians 3

God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord. (10-11)

In Ephesians 3 Paul tells us of the great mystery that had been revealed throughout all the ages. The mystery was that even though the nation of Israel were His chosen people, it was not so that they could enjoy an exclusive relationship with God. Instead, His plan was for all the nations of the earth to be blessed by them and for Jews and Gentiles to equally share in the gospel and the riches of a relationship with Christ. God’s heart has always been for the world and He desires diversity around His throne from every people, tribe, and tongue. Our God is a missionary God who delights in diversity and who wanted the Israelite nation to be a light to the entire world.

Now in these days of a New Covenant in Christ, this plan is ultimately being fulfilled by His church. Thus, Paul says it was God’s purpose to use the church to display his wisdom to all of creation. Through the church we see the glory of God displayed to the world and we see the majesty of God displayed even to the angels in Heaven and the demonic forces arrayed against them. The church is to be God’s great exclamation point, that He is Lord and His glorified and His love wins. We are to be an example to the world of a better way where diverse people become one in Him. This is why it so disturbing when we don’t reflect that glory or display His wisdom. The world is watching, but what are they seeing.

God’s purposes in including every people, tribe, and tongue should be displayed in our love for one another and our ministry to the world. Instead of having the reputation of being self-serving, we should be serving all regardless of who they are. Instead of being known for hypocrisy, we should be known for holiness and for demonstrating the holy character of God in all that we do, say, and think. Instead of converting people to our political or social agendas we should be converting them to Christ, and ensuring that the gospel confronts all that is wrong in their life and in the world. Instead of just focusing inwardly on our institutions and infrastructure, we must be the band of the redeemed who focus outward to the ends of the earth with the gospel. It is time for us to finally live what we believe.