Is God enough for us? I think He is more than enough, He is EVERYTHING! In Psalm 16 David says, “LORD, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; you hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” 16:5-6. In this passage, David alludes to the division of the promised land similar to what we read about yesterday in Judges. He lives in a day when all the lines have already been drawn, but he uses that example as a metaphor for his own life. David simultaneously identifies with the Levites who received no land but only had the LORD as their portion, and the rest of the tribes who were given particular sections of the land purely at God’s discretion.

Using a physical analogy, David makes a spiritual application. In the same way the Levites had all they needed in God, that was all that David needed (and by extension all that we need). He is our cup of blessing and He holds our future. At the same time, the way that God had a design and plan for each tribe’s inheritance, God also had a plan for David (and He has a plan for you). His plan (or inheritance) for each one of us might look very different, but you can glorify Him with David that, “the boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” So many of us spend so much time wanting to be somewhere else when, instead, we should be praising God for where we are, because that is His inheritance for us. I have thought about this a lot… if you look at how the promised land was divided up, different tribes got different types of land and differing areas (or sizes) of land. Yet, no one complained about their inheritance and everyone got exactly what was best for them. I believe the same is true for us; God has a plan for each one of us and it doesn’t look the same, but it is definitely what is best for everyone.

This is why David goes on to say, “I will bless the LORD who counsels me—even at night when my thoughts trouble me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken,” and then “You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures.” 16:7-8,11. In Christ, you have all that you need for life and godliness. Your joy and your security should be completely wrapped up in Him. Also, He has a plan for you that is different and more amazing, more tailor-made, than any you could ever orchestrate for yourself. Instead of looking at the lives of others and longing to have what they have; look at your own inheritance and see how the boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places. Rejoice in where God has you and bloom right where you are. Be thankful and totally embrace today. One thing I am learning is that we always look back with nostalgia to the “good old days,” but when we were in them we didn’t realize they were the good old days. The things you are facing today (no matter how difficult) are the things you will one day look back on and rejoice that you got to experience them.