The wicked flee when no one is pursuing them, but the righteous are as bold as a lion (v. 1)

I love this simple truth. The wicked flee when no one is chasing them, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. Why is this the case? I think there are many reasons, so I offer a just few in no particular order. What else can you add?

  • The wicked flee because they are afraid of what they can’t see or what might be.  The righteous, on the other hand, can determine the truth from a lie and they don’t believe the lies. They know who they are in Christ, they know what reality is and the word defines their reality. There is no speculation for the righteous, just feet firmly planted on the solid rock. Whether in word or deed they speak and act with boldness because they know that they are speaking and acting in truth.
  • The wicked flee because they don’t know what will happen tomorrow. The righteous know that no matter what happens they don’t have to fear because God is with them.
  • The wicked flee because they fear an untimely death. Even in death, the righteous know that they will either be delivered or they will see Christ face to face. Like Paul, they can say “To live is Christ, but to die is gain.” The righteous believer’s entire life is a win/win no matter what the outcome. This creates holy boldness.
  • The wicked flee because they must depend on their own power and strength, and it is insufficient. Conversely, the righteous depend on the power of the Holy Spirit in them and they know that it is not they who strive but God who strives through them.  
  • The wicked are afraid of the unknown and unfamiliar. The righteous know that there are a reason and purpose for everything, so they can face any situation with boldness.
  • The wicked care about themselves but the righteous care about others… this makes them bold in their service, their love, their giving, and witnessing because they know they are fighting for others rather than themselves.
  • The wicked are afraid because they are serving themselves, the righteous are bold because they are serving God Himself. They are called righteous because they are “right.” They are part of His kingdom, and the angels and all of Heaven stand with them and are invested in what they do.

Does your boldness look like a lion or like a mouse?