If sometimes the cloud remained from evening until morning, when the cloud was lifted in the morning they would set out; or if it remained in the daytime and at night, whenever the cloud was lifted, they would set out. Whether it was two days, a month, or a year that the cloud lingered over the tabernacle, staying above it, the sons of Israel remained camped and did not set out; but when it was lifted, they did set out. At the command of the Lord they camped, and at the command of the Lord they set out; they did what the Lord required, in accordance with the command of the Lord through Moses. (21-23)

One of the most remarkable skills the Christian believer can learn is rhythm and contentment in the moment. As believers, we must learn to order our days and make sure that we are in step with the Spirit. Having a spiritual rhythm to life is the key to hearing the voice of God and being ready when He calls. Notice the people of Israel encamped around the tabernacle and ready to move out at a moment’s notice. Their readiness and preparedness came from keeping their eyes on the visible presence of God. When they saw the cloud over the temple, they knew they were to stay in place, always ready, but always keeping their eyes on God and His direction. There was no panic whenever the cloud lifted, only an adjustment to the rhythm of life; camp, watch, sleep, worship, eat, watch, move when God moves. That rhythm and constant attention to the presence and direction of God was the key to their readiness.

Yet, it is also fascinating to see their great contentment. Sometimes the cloud moved after a day, and at other times it would move after a month or even a year. There was no knowing when it would move and therefore no concern about the future. God’s people knew the key was to stay connected to Him in the present. As long as they focused on their present, they knew God would take care of their future in His time. It seems we are often out of step in the present and worrying all the time about the future. When will God move? Will it be today or tomorrow… what is taking Him so long? There is none of that fretting in the Kingdom of God. Instead, in God’s economy, there is only the “now” with complete trust and faith that when the time is right, He will let us know, and He will lead us where we need to go. Establish a rhythm in your life that keeps your eyes fixed on Him and live contentedly in the moment, knowing that He has a plan for your life and He is never worried about tomorrow.