He is not impressed by the strength of a horse; he does not value the power of a warrior. The Lord values those who fear him, those who put their hope in his faithful love. (147:10-11)

What a stunning thought that the Lord values those who fear Him. Think about it; God doesn’t need anyone. He did not create us because He was lonely or had some kind of deficiency. No, He simply created us and the rest of creation for His glory. He can do all things, He knows all things, and He is everywhere all at the same time. Nothing is beyond his power and there is nothing “new” to God; nothing has ever “occurred” to Him—He knows all and is above all. We add zero value to the Lord; we are utterly dependent on Him and He is completely perfect with or without us.

So, yes, I get that He is not impressed by the strength of a horse and I get that He does not value the power of a warrior. Yet, the bible amazingly says that God does value something we bring to the table. He values those who fear Him and He values those who put their faith and hope in His love. I just keep reading that verse over and over again. While God is completely self-sufficient and doesn’t “need” me, I can be valuable to Him and I have the ability to please Him. The ones He values are not the strongest, the smartest, or the wealthiest. God does not see things the way we see them, and He doesn’t value what we value. The ones He values the most are those who realize they have nothing to offer in and of themselves, and instead, who place all their trust and dependence in Him.

Yes, God loves everyone and yes all life has worth to Him. That is why He sustains us, that is why we each have common grace from Him, and that is why He died for the world—“for God so loved the world.” However, we need to disabuse ourselves of the notion that we are somehow “special” and that there is something in us that God can’t do without. The only thing special about me is His image in me and His presence and work through me. The more I depend on my strengths, gifts, and talents the less valuable I am to God. The more I fear Him and put my hope and trust solely in His faithful love, the more valuable I become. Perhaps it’s because fearing Him and trusting in Him puts me in a place where “I” (self) finally get out of the way and where I can now be better used in His capable hands.