Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His faithful love endures forever. (136:1)

26 times in 26 verses the Psalmist repeats the refrain, “His faithful love endures forever.” God is many things; holy, just, righteous, pure… I could go on for eternity. Yet, one thing we must always remember is that God is love and His love is faithful (steadfast) and eternal. The psalmist recounts the acts of God from creation to the deliverance of Israel to their establishment in the promised land. Over and over again, throughout all those events, he says “His faithful love endures forever.”

He never changes. He is still faithful today and His love still endures forever. No matter how good or how bad things seem, God remains the same. Regardless of the circumstances, the context in which we live, or the part of the world that we live in—His faithful love endures forever. He is unchanging and you can count on Him. He never fails and He never lets us down. Oh, sure, problems arise and we face daily challenges, but He is not shaken or taken by surprise. His purposes prevail, His plan is unfolding and He always wins. No matter what happens today, remember, His faithful love endures forever.