When I think of you as I lie on my bed, I meditate on you during the night watches because you are my helper; I will rejoice in the shadow of your wings. I follow close to you; your right-hand holds on to me. (63:6-8)

Our relationship with God should be one of great intimacy. We don’t just think of the Lord on Sunday or when we are in church. Instead, we build our lives around Him and we do everything we can to practice His presence. David thought of God all the time, in the middle of his trials and in the middle of his joy. He even thought about God in all the in-between times like when he went to bed at night and rose in the morning. David said that he meditated on the Lord in the middle of the night. Like a bird who protects her young under the shelter of its wings, David rejoiced in the shadow of God’s divine protection.

I love the imagery he uses when he says that God’s right-hand holds on to him. Like a child that is learning to walk and who holds on to its parent’s hand for balance and security, that is how we should hold on to God. No matter where we go or what we do, He is that loving parent; ever watchful and ever-present, holding us by the hand and keeping us from falling. If we fall or let go He is right there to pick us up, brush us off and begin walking with us again. Thank the Lord for being a loving God who is always there, whether we realize it or not, and who is always carrying us and keeping us from falling.