The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. (7-9)

It is no secret that we are closer to the end of the world than Peter was. In fact, it is striking that he said it was “coming soon” almost 2000 years ago. Peter was writing to people who were facing terrible persecution and fiery trials that were unparalleled in their day. He encouraged them to face their uncertain future with trust and faith in God. These days we are in now definitely feel like the last days. With a worldwide pandemic, terrorism, economic turmoil, and so many other stresses it is easy to agree with Peter that the end of the world is “coming soon.”

However, what is striking to me is Peter’s reaction to this realization. You would think that knowing the end of the world was coming soon, he would be motivated to preach the gospel to everyone as quickly as possible or to encourage his readers to run for the hills. Indeed, there is an urgency to the gospel message and we should be busy in our evangelism, but this was not Peter’s immediate advice. In light of their current persecution and fiery trials, he instead suggests focusing on the most basic of things.

First, he tells them to be earnest and disciplined in prayer. Then, he encourages them to love each other deeply, and practice hospitality with everyone they meet. This is so powerful because it highlights the basic truth that God is in control and there is never any reason to panic. As we face an uncertain future in a crazy world, we should not panic either. Instead, we should just keep doing what we know is right and true. We need to pray, we need to love each other, and we need to address the needs of others and the practical issues of everyday life. Yes, our world is spinning out of control these days but it is nothing that honest prayer, deep abiding love, and a good home-cooked meal can’t help. When circumstances are beyond your control, the secret is to forget about trying to be in control. Instead, love that person beside you in the most meaningful and helpful way you can. God will take care of the rest.