1 Thessalonians 1-3 CSB

We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us. (2:8)

In referring to his treatment of the Thessalonians, Paul mentions the lengths that he went to show love to them. I think these two statements are extremely instructive for us today as we relate to other people; both those in the family of God and those outside as well. He mentioned that his care and love for them made him happy (pleased) to share both the gospel and his life with them. Those things are significant because they are often the hardest things for us to share. If you really love someone, and are a loving person, you should want to share these things with others.

As a missionary, I know that it might seem automatic to “share the gospel” with everyone we meet. However, just like our brethren back home, it is often difficult to share the gospel. This is especially true when you are working in a Muslim context or in a context that is resistant to the message for one reason or another. Yet, love would compel us all to share regardless of what it costs us, whether ridicule or even awkward embarrassment. If the love of Christ is working in you, you have to overcome whatever is keeping you from witnessing.

Yet, the same is true with sharing your life with others. I know some who are bold witnesses when they preach or do evangelism, but they pretty much keep to themselves the rest of the time. This is also not considered very loving. Regardless of whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, you need to “do life” with others and to do your part in establishing community and building into the lives of those around you. Some are excellent at relationships but slow to share the gospel because they are afraid of offending a friend. Others are naturals at evangelism but slow to get close to others and really develop deep, meaningful relationships. Yet Paul says that genuine love should compel us to do both and be overjoyed about it. Which area do you need to focus on today?