1 Cor. 1-2 CSB

“He will also strengthen you to the end, so that you will be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful; you were called by him into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1:8-9

One of the things I have been focusing on this year is faithfulness, and here Paul plainly states that God is faithful. In fact, He is the very definition of faithfulness. In greeting the church at Corinth, Paul reminds them that “they have been enriched in him in every way, in all speech and knowledge” and that they have every spiritual gift they need. He reminds them that Jesus is coming again and that they will be strengthened until the end and will stand blameless (in Christ) before God. Everything they needed in the moment and in the future was already theirs in Christ. God is faithful.

One enters into fellowship with the Son based entirely on God’s grace. There is nothing good in us that causes God to desire fellowship with us. We know His love and His grace because of His goodness and faithfulness. I have everything I need today, and I am guaranteed to be “strengthened to the end” because it all comes from Him. Whew! What a relief! 😊 If it were up to me, I would surely blow it. Yet, I can rest easy knowing that in Christ I will be “blameless” in the end. I need not worry or fret because it is all on Him… and He is faithful. Oh, how I long to continually emulate that faithfulness in my own life… not to earn what I cannot possibly earn… but just to show my love and appreciation for the One who is always faithful to me. This is what slowly transforms me from being “me” and becoming more like “Him.” People always say, “You do you!” (a hip way to say be yourself)… I say “No, You do Jesus!”