1 Cor. 9-10 CSB

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. Give no offense to Jews or Greeks or the church of God, just as I also try to please everyone in everything, not seeking my own benefit, but the benefit of many, so that they may be saved. Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ.” 10:31-33

These verses are ones that we typically brush over when we are reading the bible, but in these days I think it is important that we meditate on them. Paul boils these final words of the chapter down to three basic admonitions: “Do everything for the glory of God,” “Don’t seek your own benefit, but the benefit of many so that they may be saved,” and “Imitate Christ.” Those are three very worthy, and very heavy, commands. They are three things that it would be good for us to remember in these dark days of COVID-19 panic and worry, but they are also three things that we should be practicing whether the world is crumbling around us or not.

Ask yourself, “What am I doing for God’s glory, for other’s benefit and to imitate Christ during my social distancing?” I think that many people are tempted to treat this as a vacation time where we binge watch Netflix and gorge ourselves on all the unhealthy snack food in the house. Wasting your time and gorging yourself on things that rot your mind and your teeth doesn’t’ glorify God, it doesn’t help anyone and I don’t think it really imitates Jesus. You need to get out, get fresh air and most of all get creative. Find ways to help people and find ways to glorify God in these unique days. We are thinking more about our relationships with others than ever because we don’t want to get too close. Instead, be thinking about how you can get close enough to practice social distancing but still engage in relationships. Don’t let fear force you to go to irrational measures because you fear the virus. “Perfect love casts out all fear.”

Ask yourself, “What am I doing for God’s glory, for other’s benefit and to imitate Christ in my conversations, phone calls, and social media posts?” Are you making light of everything and basically treating this like it is someone else’s problem? Or are you sitting alone in fear and worrying about the imminent arrival of the Corona Virus into your life or family? I have been struck by the fact that the return of Christ is imminent (could come at any moment) and it gets closer every day that passes, yet we live in this state of oblivion like it will never come. However, these days we are looking for the virus in every handshake, in every interaction and we are hypersensitive to just the possibility of it. What if we lived our lives that aware of the Lord’s coming and that hypersensitive to take every thought captive, to guard every word and to live every moment as if His return was in the next 5 minutes?

Finally ask yourself, “What am I doing for God’s glory, other’s benefit and to imitate Christ in the Kingdom of God?” These are unique days, but they were foreseen by God before the beginning of time. He has never been taken by surprise and He always has a plan and a will for your life. How are you making the most of this pandemic for His Kingdom? People are more sensitive to spiritual things now, and more connected around the globe than at just about any other time in history. The whole world is talking about one thing. This is not by mistake. This is a unique opportunity that God has given us and we need to be asking God how we can leverage all of this for His glory to build His Kingdom. As the whole world is talking about the virus, we should be engaging the whole world with the hope of the gospel. Now more than ever they need truth, fearlessness and clear wisdom from God’s people… they don’t need us to be just like them.