Genesis 40-41 NLT

Pharaoh’s chief cup-bearer, however, forgot all about Joseph, never giving him another thought. (40:23)  Finally, the king’s chief cup-bearer spoke up. “Today I have been reminded of my failure,” he told Pharaoh. (41:9)

You have heard the saying, “better late than never!” Well, that is the heart of this story of Joseph. It is one of the saddest tales in the bible where a man is unjustly imprisoned for his integrity and languishes for years. Then something happens; he interprets dreams for the baker and cupbearer and comes to the attention of some as a man who can interpret dreams. As the cup-bearer is released from prison Joseph says, “Remember me to Pharaoh!” Now there is hope and now maybe he will be released—only to read the next verse that the cupbearer forgot all about him.

Two years later… let me say that again TWO YEARS LATER, the cup-bearer speaks up and remembers his promise and his failure to deliver. While we are elated that finally, Joseph will get some justice, we lament over all the wasted time in jail. Yet, that is a key point to this entire story. There was no wasted time. While he was at the bottom of the pit at the mercy of his brothers, or captured by slave traders on the way to Egypt, or laboring in Potiphar’s house, or languishing in prison God was still sovereign, He was still in control and He was working in Joseph’s life.

Like He does for all of us, God was doing the right things at the right time for His purposes to come to fruition in Joseph’s life. The story is about more than just the suffering or innocence of Joseph. It is about a famine, getting the people of God to Egypt, saving millions from starvation, and a whole host of other things. The things that were happening in Joseph’s life would become pivotal for the entire history of God’s Kingdom in this world. The same is true for us. Our circumstances are about more than just us—they are about a bigger picture and a bigger plan that God is up to in this world. Thank God that you get the privilege of playing your part in the story, even if it is difficult at times.