Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you! Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!” For my brothers and companions’ sake I will say, “Peace be within you!” For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good. (6-9)

These are not unprecedented days, as some might say. There has been strife in the Middle East for as long as I have been living and even before. A later Psalm (124) depicts enemies surrounding Israel, ready to swallow them up. A quick survey of the Old Testament historical books reveals a picture of a region embroiled in strife and controversy from the beginning. Yet, all of this strife has been the result of sin. This strife is not just a Jewish or Muslim issue. It is also not just an end times issue, though watching the news seems like I am reading straight from the bible sometimes. This strife is a sin issue, and I am not sure there is any good guy.

Obviously, the Hamas attack on Israel must be answered. Also, equally obvious is that there are many, many civilians unfairly paying the price in Gaza right now for the actions of those terrorists. The answer for peace is still (and always will be) the Prince of Peace, Jesus. We should heed that song of ascent and pray for the peace of Jerusalem, not only of Jerusalem but peace for that entire region. As believers who know the truth, we must pray for all who are caught up in this conflict and pray that the Prince of Peace will reign supreme. We should pray that doors will be open for gospel witness and that both Jews and Muslims will come to the knowledge of the truth of the gospel. These are dark days, but may the light of Christ shine in the darkness, and may we be the light bearers, regardless of the cost.